Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Pharmacy 101 - Prayer need

In the last few weeks, as we stopped luke's steroids, his appetite hasn't been great, but ok. Also, every so often, he'll go a day or 2 without a bowel movement (#2), and sometimes, may not have a #1 more than once a day.

Here's Pharmacy 101. The medicines he gets daily, weekly, etc. carry side effects as well as benefits to his condition. Most medicines follow steps we call "pharmacokinetics". Pharmacokinetics consists of steps that include: absorption of drug, distribution of drug, metabolism of drug, and excretion of drug.

Our prayer need, specifically, is for Luke to continue to eat and drink well, and also, that he excretes (#1 and #2; and also, sweat) well. We have upheld this in prayer for a little while now. Also, we've been giving him a laxative, Miralax, as well as trying to get him to drink water (because without water, most laxatives don't work), juice, and to have a well-balanced diet.

Overall, we are very thankful that Luke is feeling and acting so much better.

We know there is a lot going on inside his body every second, and we do not see any of that. We trust in Him, and pray that Luke continues, happily and healthily (is that a word?), to full recovery. Praise God.


  1. Dear Joyce and Toby,

    Aunty forwarded me the blog link.Good to know about Lukie's improvement.We continue to pray for his health daily.God bless you .

    Just a thought-

    I had a roommate who used to say aloud this affirmation daily for herself and for us which was very invigorating for us.

    'God's life -force is now flooding my being.
    My entire body is being filled with health.
    the healing grace of the Great physician is sustaining me.
    In him is life: His life is in me.
    I am getting well and strong.Praise the Lord!

    - by Norman Vincent Peale-(Why some positive thinkers get powerful results).


  2. Dear Tobi,Joyce & Luke,

    Gone through the blog and happy to know that he is responding well to the treatment. We all uphold him in our prayers and understand the situation in which you all are in. May God strengthen you to take care of him better and would like to see the cheerful, energetic Luke back to normal. Keep on updating the blog.

    With Love
    Shaji, Merin, Milan & Midhun
