Saturday, March 19, 2011

Saturday, March 19th, 2011

On Wednesday, Luke's ANC was 360. Anything below 500 means he can't get his chemo and he must be kept at home. To him, no problem. He's not upset. Good spirits, good energy. Happy. To us...necessary reminders that we shouldn't get to comfortable. Most importantly, we should always remain prayerful.

It's interesting. As parents, professionals, intelligent folks, adults, independents, often, we lean on our own understanding, when the quickest, simplest, and most important thing to do is drop on our knees and pray... when things are bad OR good.

As we were driving home from the hospital, we were talking about ...hmm, maybe we could've fed him more stuff, or made him rest more, or maybe shouldn't have taken him there, etc, etc.... then, it led to... ok..let's give him more veggies, more protein, more rest, more naps, keep him at home, no visitors...and we need to be more prayerful... at that moment, I thought "God, thank you for the clarity". "Going to Him" should always be first on the list of possible solutions to any problem. "Going to Him" should always be first on our thank-you list also.

This is the day that the Lord has made. As we look in the mirror, or look at one another, or look at others, we should continually remember that the Lord made us all. He has a plan.

My bro told me that the literal translation of "seek and ye shall find" is more like "seek and continue to seek". We need to continue to seek Him. We are thankful that Luke is with us and that he is well. Let's all continue to uphold one another in prayer.

Lord help us, save us, and heal us. We thank the Lord.


  1. Oh how precious you guys are to me. I am so thankful for your transparency to share this journey with so many people. A people of prayer! We continue to pray for Luke and your sweet family. Thank you for letting us know HOW to pray for you. Please let us know if there is anything you need.
    In Christ,
    Rachel & Curt

  2. Thomas Family DallasApril 21, 2011 at 3:19 PM

    Very good Word - encouraging to all of us!

  3. Hi Luke,

    You are such a precious child!. I see your pictures and just want to keep praying that God will carry you in His protecting hands and not keep you down till He knows that you are ok to go on. Tell your mom and dad to read the infamous "Footprints" to you.That's what I always remember
    when we pray for you.My daughter asked me yesterday,'mama, did you pray for Luke?'. It brought tears to my eyes that she has not forgotten. We will continue to pray for you Luke, be strong and be happy always. God loves you.

    A family that is keeping track of your recovery and praying for you and your family.
