It has been a trying time, but we have had far more good days than bad days. We still have our eyes and hearts open to where God is leading us.
Nearly everything we thought about or planned prior to June 7th,. 2010 has changed. God-willing, we will gain clarity and re-gain vision towards the future. In many ways, we have jumped forward, and in some ways, he have stumbled, and in other ways, we have not moved. Your continued prayers are needed and greatly appreciated. 6-months of treatment have been completed, and God-willing, Luke has 33 more months to go.
Luke has always been our special and precious little boy. In these last few months, we have seen our baby take on the role of an older, more mature child. That is eye-opening, since he's only 3. Many times, he has helped us, when we needed. He has even told us to "take a deep breath" or "let us pray" or "turn off the tv, it is nap time". We love him so much. Our hearts break, knowing he must endure all of this, but we are comforted with his resilience and his spirit.
Pictures from the clinic...
Here's Luke playing with a netbook. Wow. Doesn't he look grown up?

Here's Luke making some puppets with some University of Houston Volleyball Players. Hmmm...he seems to enjoy warming up to ladies. Nice!

Here's Luke in the infusion center playroom. Daddy explained to Luke what the Puppet Theater was for, and Luke proceeded to conduct a puppet show. Daddy was the only one in the audience, but it was special.

awww! we want a puppet show from our favorite puppeteer!