And the hits keep on coming...
Some of the medications Luke is taking causes foot drop or foot numbness, so we were recommended to visit a physical therapist. Overall, Luke is ok. They did see some weakness in his legs, and may consider futher sessions. For now, however, we will be exercising with Luke to make sure we do our part in helping him in this way. We pray, and ask that you pray, that his legs, feet, ankles, and overall balance is strong and good. He has low arches, so he has an arch support now, and they did mention ankle braces, but we will not know if that is necessary just yet. Those ankle braces are meant to stabilize his ankles so he is more comfortable running around.
Here's a precious boy ready for some therapy.

Here, the therapist is checking out Luke's range of motion, etc.

I guess we never thought much about it, but they expect him to walk up and down stairs like most grownups foot on one step, other foot on next step, etc. What he had been doing is get both feet on one step, then the next, etc.

They timed Luke's running and looked at how he ran. They thought he ran well. He ran straight ahead, full-speed, stop-and-go, stop-pickup-go, etc. We need to do more of that with him.

They asked Luke to tumble forward.

After all of this, the therapist asked "is this normal for him". My response "um...he doesn't usually do any of these things". It was enlightening in that we do have several exercises we can do with him, and we could probably benefit from the exercise too :)