The last few weeks have been really busy going in and out of the hospital daily. On November 3rd, Luke was scheduled to start the second half of delayed intensification, but his counts were too low to start. His ANC had dropped to 280. They needed a minimum of 750 to start. So they postponed it for one week. On November 10th his counts were good but he had some wheezing because of a cold virus so they cancelled his spinal tap of IT methotrexate for one week. He still had gotten IV cytarabine which he will get daily for the next 3 days. Our insurance did not approve the home nurse so we had to go back to the hospital on Thursday and Friday. He also started a new drug Thioguanine that he has to take orally for 14 days. Surprising Luke has been taking this crushed tablet with Hawaiian Punch and has had no issues taking it. Luke finally got his spinal tap on November 16th with methotrexate and also got the IV cytarabine. This week we have also been back to the hospital everyday to get his treatment. He is still accessed so that makes things a little easier. His counts have been declining slowly. If his counts for his hemoglobin go below 8.5 he will get a blood transfusion on Monday. Hopefully his counts will recover in the next few weeks.
It has been nice having the parents around for the last month to help during this tough time. It was always nice having someone help with making meals and especially keeping Luke entertained while he was stuck in the house. Luke has so much energy that the parents were wiped out. They leave on Saturday and I think Luke will be upset when the house will be quiet again.